In this body of work, I have created three original drawings that shed light on the various ways that dopamine can drive human behavior. I utilize colored pencils to create texture and mass on paper, and then juxtapose this hyperrealism with bold typography. This creates a blend of art that includes both graphic design and studio art within one space. More information is available in the brochures!
Client: School Work Date: 2024
Euphoric Buzz, 2024, Airbrush and Colored Pencil on Paper, 11 x 17 in
When a person drinks, dopamine gets released in the brain. This can happen after a single sip, and for some, even the thought of drinking can cause a dopamine release. To keep the good feeling up, the brain influences the body to keep drinking and because of this dopamine intake, the body will naturally produce less dopamine. This causes a dependency on alcohol for happiness. Research shows that the brains of alcoholics have significantly lower dopamine levels as compared to non-alcoholics.
Virtual Rush, 2024, Airbrush and Colored Pencil on Paper, 11 x 17 in
When a person is on a social media platform (Instagram, Twitter, Snapchat, Facebook, etc.) and they receive a like, retweet, message or notification, the brain’s reward system gets triggered and dopamine gets released. Because of this, social media can become highly addictive, both physically and mentally. Consequently, as technology increases so does our availability to reach these euphoric states. This means that our brain produces less and less dopamine, which drives us into a joyless cycle.
Tempting Urge, 2024, Airbrush and Colored Pencil on Paper, 11 x 17 in
Though we once ate to live, many now live to eat. When a person eats, it naturally activates the brain’s reward system and dopamine gets released. While this reaction is completely normal, the growth in popularity of junk food causes problems to arise. These salty and sugary foods cause an increase in dopamine that is greater than the reaction from natural whole foods. This problem then gets amplified as the ability to attain these foods is easier than ever. Similar to alcohol, the body produces less dopamine when eternal factors are providing more of it. Thus, we lose our happiness in a blend of saturated flavors.